One thing that a lot of people like about this time of year is that much if not all of the short fiction nominated for Hugo Awards is posted online for free. You can find the main list on the Anticipation site. Not that long ago, you only got to read the stuff if you had a copy at hand. Oh how times have changed!
One of the big things missing on that page as of the writing of this post is Ted Chiang’s “Exhalation” from Eclipse 2, which Night Shade Books has made available online. Ted Chiang does not write quickly, a direct result of crafting such amazing stories, so any time you get a chance to read a story from him, you should take it.
Night Shade has made it available in PDF, rich text, HTML, and MobiPocket formats. Here’s a direct link to Night Shade Books’ download page.
I’m always curious as to how they decide what to link to from the Worldcon Hugo Awards page. They link to the artist’s home pages, why don’t they link to the home pages for the fanzine or semiprozines?
This is self-serving, but here are links to the nominees for Best Fanzine:
* Argentus edited by Steven H Silver
* Banana Wings edited by Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer (links to a PDF review of the zine; no website available)
* Challenger edited by Guy H. Lillian III
* The Drink Tank edited by Chris Garcia
* Electric Velocipede edited by John Klima
* File 770 edited by Mike Glyer
(yes, I’m re-using photos I like the Nippon 2007 Hugo, and the final design for Anticipation won’t be revealed until the convention)